
80's Dress Sewn Lace Cocktail.

Supplies: 80's dress turned Parisian cocktail.

 What I loved about this 80's dress was the pretty lace detailing, so I wanted to use that as much as I could for this one. 

Sleeves were sewn together to create the bodice. The collar line was the bottom of the sleeves.

I salvaged all the lace from the front, back bodice, and sleeves. The skirt of the dress was from the front and back of the bodice.

I added a beaded belt to finish off the look.



  1. Wow, this is truly impressive! You're a huge inspiration to me as I learn to sew.

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  2. That dress is so HOT!!!! What a show stopper!

  3. the upper part really turned out so well!
    but it does look complicated!
    love louisa

  4. This is beautiful... especially the neckline. Great job!

  5. wow really!! you're super talented!!!

  6. this is SO gorgeous. this should be on the runway. YOU are a true designer. I could see Marchesa or D&G wripping this off =)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is so pretty. Great job Laura :)

  9. Oh this is really gorgeous! Imagine how you salvaged those delicate laces and turned into a more fabulous dress. I am giving you away my two thumbs up and cheers for this project.


  10. this is amazing!! i dont think i would have ever had that kind of outcome!



  11. I love the dress you made. Such a clever use of materials.

  12. This is so beautiful!


  13. I am truly amazed by how you used the material to make such a elegant dress!
    Very inspiring!

  14. Are you kidding me, that is SOOOO gorgeous! You have such a great eye and are very talented.



  15. You are amazing!!! love your blog!
    Laura :))

  16. absolutely stunning! so glad you could salvage all that beautiful lace :) great eye!!

  17. you are amazingly talented! Love your designs!!

  18. this is absolutely perfect! congrats for your talent:)

  19. So happy I found your site, your creations are amazing. Fantastic!

  20. Your designs are lovely! I was playing around on Net-A-Porter and saw this, and it totally reminded me of this dress! It's a Red Valentino dress, only $795. http://www.net-a-porter.com/product/187593

  21. this dress is stunning! it looks so chic and expensive, great work on this refashion!

  22. I can't believe you turned that into that!!!!!!!!!
    I wish I could do that!

  23. So funny thing. I was reading back through these older posts and was amazed by this. Then, the next episode of Wings (TV show from the 90s that I am watching on Netflix) and the preview picture has two of the characters wearing the original dress. (Its the wedding episode in season six if you are curious!)

  24. Absolutely fabulous!!! Out of this world! The use of the edges both on the upper and lower sides of the dress is the best thing about it. I love all the posts in your blog, lots of great ideas! Thanks for sharing all that!
    Please, visit my blogs too:
    http://jelenacreative.blogspot.com/ and http://krpenalutkica.blogspot.com/

    All the best to you!

  25. I saw this post AGES ago but can not believe that I found this exact same dress today at a thrift store....my husband thought I was crazy when I said I just have to have it, now I've shown him your blog he gets it! I can't wait to start....have no where to wear it but at least i'll have it and can say I made it. Thank you so much for posting...I would have never thought and now i'm going to have this dress!!!! eek!!!

  26. AllI can state is "WOW"!!! Its a beautiful and fabulous dress. You're blessed with such talent and insight.
    First Time Viewer

  27. Beautiful! Feeling inspired (thanks to your amazing creations!) :-)

  28. Very interesting, Quilting Embroidery Designs good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.

  29. Be creative, a beautiful dress and very special

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